CouriersPlease Package Tracker


Finding packages is now at your fingertips

Whether you have pending food delivery, grocery delivery, or alcohol delivery, Upper helps you stay on top of package delivery, regardless of time and place.

Get updated delivery
status instantly

Drop your tracking ID
on the search bar to know
soon it will get delivered.

Discover packages
from anywhere

Know your delivery status
from other countries like
the US, UK, and across Europe.

Access delivery status
within seconds

Know when your parcel will
come out for delivery
with a single click.

No more hassles
about parcel delivery

Discover where your parcel
is lying and at what time
it will get delivered.

CourierPlease Package Tracker was founded in 1983 and launched as a metropolitan parcel delivery business. With the independent fleet service, CourierPlease was placed to serve Australians. Now, CourierPlease is a successful and leading parcel delivery expert in Australia.

With the best-in-class fleet and trained staff, CourierPlease has connected the parcel delivery network across the country and internationally too.

CourierPlease has recently launched a new delivery service with the name of POPPOINT. The POPPoint network is the combination of POPStation Parcel Lockers & POPShop Retail Outlets. All these stations and lockers are easy to access places and locations.

POPPoint network and POPStation have given the customer a new dimension to the eCommerce ecosystem, and it will ease customers to send and receive parcels. This will be a stellar service experience for the end users.

CouriersPlease is owned by Singapore Post, known as Sign Post. Singapore Post is a leader in logistics and posts within the Asia Pacific and the USA. SignPost offers a value of trust, total value, top execution, and transformation to its customer.

CouriersPlease aims to become Australia’s no 1 eCommerce courier service company and to achieve that, they have initiated the Air Parcel service across 220 countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I track my CouriersPlease package without a tracking number?

No, you cannot track the parcel without a valid tracking number. Always get a tracking number whenever you are booking your parcel with CouriersPlease.

If you miss your tracking number due to any reason, connect with CouriersPlease customer care and get your tracking number.

Does Upper Package Tracker offer better tracking than CourierPlease?

At Upper Package Tracker, we believe that customers should never be in any doubt about their packages. We offer you peace of mind whenever your package is shipped from one place to another.

We make package tracking easy despite it getting switched between many different carriers. At Upper Package Tracker, we track your package’s exact arrival time, including the current city, carrier, and when you should expect your package.

How quickly CouriersPlease deliver the packages?

CouriersPlease has split the domestic regions into different zones, and the delivery time depends on the zone. In general, CouriersPlease delivers packages up to 6.00 PM.

In the case of international package delivery, time will depend on the country and location. CouriersPlease never gives any specific time of package delivery. Always keep yourself updated with the given tracking number.

How much time usually it takes to deliver an international package with CouriersPlease?

CourierPlease does not give an estimated time of delivery for international packages. This is owing to the fact that delays happen due to bad weather or holidays. In the case of international shipping, shipment time also depends on the place of start and where the parcel needs to be shipped and thus, the delivery date is not provided.

The delivery time will also depend on the type of service selected for the parcel. It is possible that sometimes your parcel can be received late due to extra custom checks in international shipping.

You can use the Upper Package Tracker to check the real-time location of your package to avoid any hassle or connect with CouriersPlease customer care.

How long will CouriersPlease keep my package?

If your package is not delivered, it might be sent to a POPStation locker. Visit these lockers within seven days. If you are not visiting the POPStation locker these seven days, it will be returned to the sender.

Hence it is important to pick up your package within the given time.

How to make a sign for my CouriersPlease package?

Luckily, CouriersPlease provides a range of options to make a sign for your package. You can sign your package in advance if you think you will not be available at delivery.

This will give authority to the delivery boy to hand over the package at your place.

In case you are not at home to receive the delivery, you can ask your delivery boy to drop your package at your neighbour’s place. Your signature is proof that you have received the package in good condition. Hence it is mandatory to mark your signature for smooth delivery.

How to track CouriersPlease package with Upper Route Planner?

At Upper Package Tracker, we understand your state of mind if your package is not trackable. To avoid such a situation, we have provided great tracking software with easy tracking in a few seconds.

To track a CouriersPlease package, you can put your tracking number on the “Track my Package “page and see the real-time location of your package.

What if my CouriersPlease package is lost?

If your package is lost, you need to file the complaint on the given online portal with a claim form.

A claim depends on the type of shipping selected at the courier time. The claim limit will be $150 per shipment in the saver option.

However, if you have selected ‘priority shipments’, then expect a $25 per kg insurance for your shipment. If your shipment is domestic, then CouriersPlease will give up to AUD1000 as insurance.To claim the insurance, you need to follow the certain conditions given by CouriersPlease. Keep your sales or cost invoice ready with you before complaining about insurance. Always file your complaint within 14 days of intended delivery. Claims received after 14 days will be rejected by CouriersPlease.

Also, check whether your item is eligible for the claim or not. Items like refrigerated goods and antiques do not come under the insurance claim.

What if my CourierPlease package delivery is missed?

If, in any case, you have missed the delivery from CouriersPlease, then you can book re-delivery online. Once you complete the re-delivery request, the delivery person will re-attempt the package delivery.

You can also book a re-delivery to CourierPlease POPStations, and from there, you can collect your package within seven days.

When will my CouriersPlease package arrive?

Unfortunately, there is no specific time provided by CouriersPlease to deliver the package to your doorstep. However, based on the location, you can check the package location with Upper Package Tracker.

Check the package status in seconds with the “track my package” tab.

Where can I find my CouriersPlease tracking number?

You will receive a tracking number right after the shipment booking. If your package is from any external store, you will get a tracking number on your receipt.

Immediately Contact CouriersPlease if you have not received any tracking number. Because without a tracking number, it is not possible to locate the package.

Why is my CourierPlease Package not moving?

If the status of the CouriersPlease package is static for many days, you must connect with the CouriersPlease customer support with a valid tracking number to know the reason for the no movement.

In the case of international deliveries, your package may get stuck in custom clearance. This will take a little longer if your package is stuck in customs. Though if you want to know the package status, you can track it over the Upper Package Tracker.

How does Upper Package Tracker help to track the CouriersPlease packages?

Our services provide the real-time location of your package. We will let you know the precise location information of the package. Even for the international packages, we provide current location tracking.

Why is my CourierPlease Package showing ‘pending’ in the tracker?

If your CourierPlease package is displaying ‘pending’ status, it might be possible that your tracking number is not updated on the dashboard of the CouriersPlease system. This reflects the item is still in the pending stage for delivery.

However, if your tracking no is updated and you feel it should not be in the pending stage, contact the CourierPlease customer care team immediately.

How to check the status of the package right after the shipment booking?

You can track it with your tracking number, but sometimes, it might take a few hours to update the information in the system. You can check it after one or two hours of booking your shipment.

If you are booking or waiting for a shipment with CouriersPlease, then track it in real-time with Upper Package Tracker and stay hassle-free.