• Here exactly what you’ll get
    • Sizing Up the Playing Field: Figure out who you’re selling to, scope out the competition, and crunch the numbers to see if your idea’s got legs.
    • Jumping Through Legal Hoops: Get your paperwork sorted, play by the transportation rulebook, and cover your back with the right insurance.
    • Getting Your Ducks in a Row: Grab the right wheels and gadgets, set up some fancy route planning tech, and find a spot to stash your stuff.
  • Secret: See what’s inside
    • Deciding What You’re Selling: Nail down your services, work out a pricing strategy that won’t leave you short, and get those contracts watertight.
    • Keeping Tabs on Your Customers: Slap together a website, get some software to keep track of who’s who, and make sure you’re on the ball when people come knocking.
    • Keeping Things Ship-Shape: Set some ground rules to keep everyone safe, make sure you’re not cutting corners, and keep your team and gear in top form with regular check-ups.